The most rewarding aspect of my job is the opportunity to work to protect the unborn while also assisting pregnancy centers in their life-saving efforts.
A favorite verse of mine is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” When I feel overwhelmed with a particular task or life situation, this verse reminds me that God will enable me to accomplish that which He has put before me.
I enjoy reading for at least 15-20 minutes prior to bed. It puts my mind at ease and helps me to sleep better.
I currently live in Maryland but grew up in Wisconsin along with my nine siblings.
My hobbies include assisting with church ministries, reading, visiting local coffee shops, hiking, kayaking, and spending time with family and friends.
One of my pro-life heros is Phyllis Schlafly, my late boss and founder of Eagle Forum Education and Legal Defense Fund. Phyllis was instrumental in putting the pro-life plank into the Republican Party platform. Another pro-life hero of mine is Janet Folger Porter, founder and president of Faith2Action. She created the idea of the Heartbeat Bill and I was privileged to work with her to advance the bill on Capitol Hill.
44180 Riverside Parkway
Suite 200
Lansdowne, Virginia 20176
P: 703.554.8734
F: 703.554.8735
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